Georgie’s Farm
Join us on Georgie’s Farm for an educational adventure for children ages 2-12.
Georgie’s Farm is brought to you by Georgia Federal Inspection Service.
Georgie wants to make sure even the littlest Georgia Grown fans can celebrate the Fair this year. Georgia Grown Farm to School and Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition have partnered to bring you recipes, lesson plans, activities and more.
From full activity books to classroom experiments, the resources below can help jumpstart children's agricultural education.
Fueling GA’s Future Activity Book
Grab the full book so you can enjoy all the Fueling GA’s Future Activity Book has to offer
Fueling GA’s Future Activity Book Individual Pages
Download all the Fueling GA’s Future Activity Book pages
Class Activity: Getting to the Core
PICK up a good book, Art that’s very a PEELing, Activities that are HARD core, APPLEsolutely fun with numbers, BUSHEL of fun with science and A SLICE of history.
Class Activity: Nuts-About-Peanuts
A Homerun for Peanuts- Classroom Guide for Teachers and Parents
Class Activity: Rooting for Sweet Potatoes
TUBER, or not TUBER, that is the question, One POTATO, two POTATO, Don’t be a couch POTATO, SWEET Creations from Carver, Science is SWEET!
Class Activity: True Blue
So BERRY Many Activities- Pick a Good Book, BERRY Historical, Read, Write, and BLUE, BERRY Cool Math Activities, Blueberries: Continental Cuisine
Class Activity: Turnip for Greens
PICK a good book, The Daily GREENs, Mustard GREENs Math, So GREEN, Think GREENs, The Grass and the Art is GREENer
Georgia Federal State
Information sheet
Let's Kahoot
Test your knowledge!
Let's Kahoot
Georgie's Drive Thru Georgia Agriculture ( Elementary Level )